1018 Broad St., Ste 4
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Omnitherapy Center has delivered unparalleled Physical Therapy, Lymphedema, and Lipedema treatments to its patients since 1987. Our treatments are tailored to each patient's specific requirements, ensuring that they receive the highest-quality care possible.
Medical schools do not offer enough education about lymphatic and lipedema disorders, which is concerning. We understand you may have visited multiple doctors before landing on this website for answers. However, please do not blame the doctor for being unable to help you. We are confident we can assist you, and we hear from our patients d
Medical schools do not offer enough education about lymphatic and lipedema disorders, which is concerning. We understand you may have visited multiple doctors before landing on this website for answers. However, please do not blame the doctor for being unable to help you. We are confident we can assist you, and we hear from our patients daily about this issue. We are here to provide the support and guidance you need to overcome this condition.
At Omnitherapy Center, our experienced licensed therapists are experts in providing a comprehensive strategy to treat each patient with Complete Decongestive Therapy. This includes Manual Therapy, Compression Therapy, Proper Garment selections, Patient Education, and Wellness Planning. We proudly offer authentic one-to-one treatment proto
At Omnitherapy Center, our experienced licensed therapists are experts in providing a comprehensive strategy to treat each patient with Complete Decongestive Therapy. This includes Manual Therapy, Compression Therapy, Proper Garment selections, Patient Education, and Wellness Planning. We proudly offer authentic one-to-one treatment protocols with the same therapist, ensuring our patients receive the highest care possible.
In light of the shift over the past five to seven years towards physicians joining large medical groups, Omnitherapy Center has seen a notable decrease in physical therapy referrals. Our current focus is on providing specialized services for Lymphatic Disorders and offering education to healthcare professionals. Despite these changes, our dedication remains steadfast as we realign our services to more effectively support our community.
Lymphedema, or lymph-related edema, is a condition that causes swelling in one or more extremities due to an obstruction in the flow of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system comprises specialized vessels, called lymph vessels, that gather excess lymph fluid containing proteins, lipids, and waste products from the tissues. The fluid then travels to the lymph nodes, which filter waste products and contain infection-fighting cells called lymphocytes. Finally, the excess fluid in the lymph vessels is returned to the bloodstream. However, when the lymph vessels are blocked or cannot carry lymph fluid away from the tissues, localized swelling, known as Lymphedema, occurs. At Omnitherapy Center, we provide Comprehensive Decongestive Therapy, also known as Complete Decongestive Therapy. This is the original and most effective way to treat Lymphedema, which has been practiced in Europe for over eighty years. Unlike other treatments, we do not rely on placing you on a pump for an hour and calling it Lymphedema Treatment. We are confident in our approach and believe our therapy will provide you with the best results possible.
Lipedema is characterized by an irregular fat accumulation beneath the skin, typically in the lower limbs. Although it may initially be perceived as a cosmetic issue, it can eventually lead to pain and other complications. Correctly diagnosing lipedema is crucial since it is often misidentified as obesity or lymphedema despite not being a part of the routine medical school curriculum. As the disease progresses, the symptoms of lipedema may change, with advanced stages leading to excessive fat accumulation and lymphatic system insufficiency, resulting in "lipo-lymphedema." Furthermore, Ana Pozzoli performs specialized Bioimpedance tests with the InBody scanner.
Please get in touch with us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries.
1018 Broad St., Suite 4 Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Office (973) 429-0890 Fax (973) 748-8661
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